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Measuring success with business analytics

Business analytics

Measure the success of your website with business analytics. 

The secret to a successful website is by knowing how to effectively collect and utilise the right information in a way that makes key business decisions clear and obvious.

Unlike any other marketing, the success of your website is completely and naturally trackable. Not only is every page and image access recorded in a log file, but you can even add tags to the pages on your website for special web analytics servers to monitor the visitors on your website. Web statistics reporting tools can access this information and represent the data to highlight visitor patterns and behaviours. 

In order to make sense of this information, you need to determine what information is fundamental to the key decisions you need to make. Once you know what you’re looking for, you then need to determine how you are going to look after and nurture this information in order that the right decisions can be made.

Web stats

How to track your KPIs

Your KPIs will be a set of measurements you take on a regular basis in order to track the performance over time. 

This data can be used to make performance predictions for changes in any of the measured data. Standard performance indicators are: 

  • Daily, weekly, monthly visitors 
  • Daily, weekly, monthly page views 
  • Most requested pages
Measuring Success

How to determine what information is important.

The information is only important if it is relevant to the purpose of your website. 

If you know your purpose, then you need to assess what key performance indicators (KPI) you need to start measuring.

This is achieved by determining candidate indicators and build ways to measure them.

Update your website

Landing pages

Why landing pages are so important.

What are landing pages? 

Landing pages are ordinary web pages, but instead of being referenced somewhere within your website from a menu item or related link, it is either completely separate from your website and referenced from an external website or directory, or intentionally referenced from within the site to track a specific action.

Marketing Workshops

Try our marketing workshops for FREE

The first FREE introductory workshop will cover the business identity section of the brand development training programme. 

This 45 minute call will cover the following areas: 

  • Splitting your marketing activities into customer acquisition and customer nurturing marketing strategies 
  • Add clarity to your objectives by asserting a well defined USP 
  • Generate a business posture by presenting value and results combined with your passion to deliver 

The complete workshop programme includes Marketing Analysis, Content Marketing, Information Architecture, Messaging Strategy and Measuring Success. These workshops can be arranged as 45 minute telephone / Zoom calls to be held once a week (a time and day that fits). Those companies who wish to take this further can arrange one-2-one training or join an existing workshop group held on Wednesdays or Thursdays.

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